Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Home Again!

Wow - am I sa-lee-pee! I must still be on Alaska time cause I just can't seem to fall asleep at the normal time. And what is the deal with darkness? Just when I get used to sleeping in the daytime, I have to sleep when it's dark! I hope I catch up one of these days...
ANA-way, one last photo from Alaska. I don't know if this got posted before, but it's worth a re-run.

As shawn posted in the photo comments:  At the Eilson Visitor Center, Denali was no longer in view.  But they had it painted on the window.  You stood on the floor at a particular spot according to your height, then you could shoot a picture.  Pretty cool way of showing the size of "the high one" to the many visitors who don't get a view of it.  Lots of cool exhibits at this visitors center, which was just opened.  You could read about many of the exhibitions that attempted or made it to the summit

 Mt. McKinley (the cool cats call it Denali) is absolutely huge! You think the mountains in the foreground are big enough, but Denali towers above them. It's a very impressive site!
Top o' the world to ya Cats!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Beaver Chew!

My kids and my wife know how much I love finding beaver chew. Well, appearently I am not the only one - in fact, someone in Alaska loves it so much, they put it in The Museum of the North - here in Fairbanks.

Keep chewin' cats! (Or your teeth will get too long!)

(Alaska's great by the way! I'd put Fairbanks in my top ten cities list - it might even make the top 5).

Monday, July 7, 2008

Lazy man's blog

Shawn loaded lots of Alaska pics on Picasa - check them out here:

take 'er easy Cats!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

North to Alaska!

We made it to Anchorage! The first 2 hours have been fantastic! Poor Matt
is at home with no kitchen sink! The drain line broke (rusted thru) 4
hours before we left home! Looks like Matt gets to eat out all week!

Enjoy the whale blubber cats!

(this was sent from a handheld device)