After seeing the Hoover Dam this weekend, I thought I'd show off the leaching basin we installed here at Amway. We have a corner of a parking lot that does not have a drain - years ago when the lot was installed, someone that used to work here (that would be me) solved the problem with a dry creek bed lined with huge stones (I was out of money on the project!!). While it functioned quite well it was U-G-L-Y! So when I had a chance to add a few dollars to a landscape project to fix the eye-sore I did it! Because there is no place for the water to go here (with out totally redoing the storm drains). I put in this basin that will catch 99% of all rainfall. If it ever over fills (could happen) I have a drain that runs to another drive way to catch the overflow.
As you can see, I don't get to do much hard core "Civil work" so when I do I have to show it off!
Keep out of the puddles cats!