Thursday, September 18, 2008

WARNING - Geeky Civil Engineering Post

After seeing the Hoover Dam this weekend, I thought I'd show off the leaching basin we installed here at Amway. We have a corner of a parking lot that does not have a drain - years ago when the lot was installed, someone that used to work here (that would be me) solved the problem with a dry creek bed lined with huge stones (I was out of money on the project!!). While it functioned quite well it was U-G-L-Y! So when I had a chance to add a few dollars to a landscape project to fix the eye-sore I did it! Because there is no place for the water to go here (with out totally redoing the storm drains). I put in this basin that will catch 99% of all rainfall. If it ever over fills (could happen) I have a drain that runs to another drive way to catch the overflow.
As you can see, I don't get to do much hard core "Civil work" so when I do I have to show it off!
Keep out of the puddles cats!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Riding with Gustav

We got some remnants of Gustav this morning. It's just a gentle rain up here. It was a fun commute!
Shawn had to go to a meeting downtown today, so I was on my own getting to work. I was hoping to ride "Speed Race" my go-fast bike, but without fenders or a rack it would have made for a messy commute. I need more time on Speed Racer, I'm going to do the Reed's Lake Triathlon on Saturday and have had limited time on my race stead.
My biggest worry will be my knees at mile 4 and 5. I better start pre-medicating with the Advil right now!
(try to) Keep dry Cats!