Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"A good deed never goes unpunished"

When my mom passed away, we were looking at a string of letters that obviously caused a great deal of angst (senior citizen angst) in her life. One was a from a lady that was putting together the news letter and had taken some heat for her new editing style. After a few too many complaints she left the newsletter post saying "No good deed goes unpunished" . We laughed because we thought it was a funny statement - and actually thought the quote was "let no good deed go unnoticed". Then this week I got a note at work that used the same phrase "Let no good deed go unpunished" so I had to Google it....

It turns out "A good deed never goes unpunished" is a quote from Gore Vidal. It's a bit of a cynical look at how sometimes (many times) people have nothing but criticism for an act of kindness. Like if you were to give a homeless person 10 bucks, just to make his day, someone would be likely to say: "you know, you could give that to a shelter and help out a lot more homeless people". So there you go - The quote was right after all!
If you thought this was going to be information about Gore Vidal - it is not. I'm not smart enough to know much about him... I know much more about Al Gore and Vidal Sassoon.
So there you go cats! I still like "A good deed never goes unnoticed"!
ALSO - Today in my locker there are 4 belts! and I am wearing one now! That should get me thru a summer of riding!


Shawn said...

That ought to get you thru 4 days of riding!

Sally said...

I still don't get it, "No good deed goes unpunished". It just doesn't make any sense to me, and I am not going to read the book to see if I can figure it out.
by the way, how come everytime I comment on your post I have to do Word Verification and type in odd things like "kwaefu"? Nobody else's blog does that.