Friday, February 6, 2009

GroundHog revelers

This is Tom (fellow civil engineer / MTU alum / Aimees' friend's dad) and our neighbor Karen.  Just a scene from the party.

I put the party on face book and dang if a lot of people didn't see it, and now they want to come - We are all ready making plans to expand the living room...Or maybe we should rent a hall!

Tomorrow we are off for the great Northwest.  We have the rental car, a new Dodge Journey.  I'll give a car report from the road.  So far it's a good car, cause I think we will be able to get Walt's ski's in no problem.  We hpe to make it to Minnesota tomorrow - maybe farther.

Happy travels cats!

1 comment:

Sally said...

Wow! That sounds like a fun trip. Keep us posted whenever you can.