Monday, May 5, 2008

# 1245

"It's go time, bring your "A" game!" The 5/3 Riverbank Run is this weekend, I entered to run this year after a 5 year Hiatus. I Just found out my number will be 1245. The riverbank run as a 25K run - 15.5 miles. I was having knee problems in previous years, but this year I have found enough cross training exercises to keep me in shape and keep my knee happy. I have a new attitude about my running, no watch, no times, no worries. I just try to set a pace and stick to it.

In my younger running days, I would have a goal time in mind and go out too fast in the beginning of the race. I'd get tired and slow way down. Then I would get passed by all these old guys and gals who knew their pace and just stuck to it. This year I hope to be one of those old guys. I won't have a best time, but I will be thrilled just to finish - at my pace - whatever that may be.

Keep on chuggin' along Cats! That's what I'll be doing Saturday! (I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...)

1 comment:

Sally said...

We will all be cheering for you. Go get 'em Tiger!