Thursday, May 1, 2008

Red Horse

My friend Phil Vanderbilt (yes - of the famed Vanderbilt's of Grand Rapids) keeps talking about how much he loves Red Horse Beer when he is in the Philippines. Curiosity has gotten the best of me, so I asked about it at our local beer store. Don, the beer guy says he can get it, so I ordered in a case and told all my work buddies about it... 3 weeks later it is not here yet! My pals are getting a little bit testy about the whole situation.

I learned today it would be shipped in by May 8th - the deal involves a multi tiered trade for Cuban cigars, a boy with a trained monkey, long johns, coconut fibers and a cricket player to be named later. I have the lawn chairs, bats, balls and Frisbees already in my suburban - we'll be ready for a Filipino picnic when it arrives!

Drink responsibly Cats!

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